Tuesday, November 2, 2010


2 days.

To Read
Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts.
Dance with Dragons - George R. R. Martin.
The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan.
The Kitchen God's Wife - Amy Tan.
fourth Eragon book - Christopher Paulini (freaking finish writing the book already, kkthx.).
Wheel Of Time (books 4-like, 13?14?) - Robert Jordan. (later ones taken over by Brandon Sanderson)
Random Scifi/Fantasy series or novels.
Around the world in 80 days - Jules Verne.
Mistborn series - Brandon Sanderson.

To Watch
Toy Story 3.
Advent Children complete blu-ray
Maybe I'll randomly scab anime off someone. Simon? Mikey? Cath? Henry? Luan?
I'm defs scabbing anime off people.
Also, maybe TV shows if people give me TV shows. Don't really want to, though.

To buy
Proper computer!
New mp3 player. (I think the new Nano looks cool but I hope Creative will make another Zen)
Replenish my oil paints.
New brushes.
Cool scanner to scan pics, etc.
DSLR camera, the cool ones where you twist the lens. (Gotta ask AlanNg about this stuff).
Fender strat! Or Music Man.

To do
Draw, paint, doodle -> DeviantArt. I gotta actually post something.
Go to: (HK, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, Munchen, Venezia, Paris, Salzburg, London, LA, NY, ...).
Guitar again.
Learn Drums.
Learn piano (4th time). Play loads of stuff. More stuff on piano than on guitar.
Record stuffs. (Guys ask Brian about his music blog. I'm quite interested actually)
Tabletennis at Olympic Park like, every week with Gene, Andy, Child, etc.
Ice skate with people like, every second week.

To Play
So I like, FPS (favourite!), RPG (yeey) and RTS (i.e. SC), so I basically like everything.
finish FF12.
FF13 (!).
Diablo 3.
Shogun 2.
Resonance of Fate
Mass Effect 2,3; finish Mass Effect 1
Dragon Age: Origins/Dragon Age, Awakening/Dragon Age 2.
The Witcher 2 (maybe; depends if i can be bothered with The Witcher).
SC2 with people
Borderlands with people
Shadow of the Colossus (PS3) (!)
Gears of War
FIFA11 with people
Dota 2 with people
COD6/COD:BlackOps with people
L4D2 with people
Finish Fallout 3.
I hope Bethesda make TES5 because Oblivion was the eliteee.
Cool JRPGS with awesome art styles, like Resonance of Fate, Eternal Sonata, El Shaddai, Valkyria Chronicles (I hope they make VC4 on PS3 isnstead of freaking PSP)
I hope Creative Assembly makes Empire 2 to fix the weird Empire:TW stuff, or Medieval 3, with more guns! or better yet, a TW encompassing from Rome to Napoleon, with the whole world as a map! (lol the turn loading times are going to be insane!)

To get
Med (!!!!!!!!!!) (@ UNSW/UWS pls).
>99.65 (!!!!!).
SR in fizz or chem or both (chem rly unlikely tho; 50% in prac LOL. I like practically need 100raw to get it)
Job (IDC really; but working @ tutoring, or EB, or music shop or with my friends will be cool).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gotta Know it All.

I'm uncapped!
This is what I do when I'm uncapped. (I'll be so angry if I get capped again like, BEFORE HSC finishes)

umm, making this up as i go

I want to be the very best
That no one ever was,
To know it all is my real quest,
Understanding is my cause

I will travel across the libs, (actually its just Parralib)
Searching far and wide; (actually Parralib hsc fizzchem books are all taken atm)
Each dot point to understand,
The questions that arise

Gotta know it all!
I know it's my destiny,
Oh, you're my best friends,
Two days before thexams
My understanding, it must be true
Past papers will get us through
You teach me and I'll learn you
Gotta know it all,
Gotta know it allll, yeahhhh

Every challenge along the way
Must never become a bore,
I will spam them everyday,
To claim that useful scoreee

So let's roll, the time is right
There are no later tests
Arm in arm, we'll win the fight,
Finally a time for rest!


Gotta know it all,
Gotta know it all


Being uncapped is already taking its toll! lool