Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Ant

Couple of scribbles I did for Miss Eloquence's short story, The Ant. Just to double her word count, because, dat word count.
I like the first picture a lot better; the second didn't really come out the way I wanted it to. Ah well.

You guys (I'm not even sure who I'm referring to, because I have no idea who reads this anymore...) want anything drawn / any illustrations for whatever done? I'm happy to help!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Here's NOVA playing Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. Because NOVA was very cool.
UQ Red Room April 2012.
(I'm not in the frame,because who cares about guitar people, right)

(video from 


Back! Took me ages to figure out how to even access this, lol.

Anyway, started actually using my tablet and Photoshop a few days ago, 'cause tablet battle. I've PS E10, and I still have no idea how to use it. CS5 would be way too much, lol.

Some results!

Yeah, that's a guild emblem thing from GW2. Finished version above, unfinished below

That's Anti-mage being a dork.

That's HiGene, which is probably the beastest band that ever existed.