By the way, YouTube "He Chose The Cross", the song.
Post-HSC has been hectic, I think I've stayed home for the whole day only for a week in total.
So I went to
Nelson Bay Schoolies (EPIC. Best week ever) (8-player haloo?? dominic decoco, duh waiterb0dee, etc.)
Formal/poker at Murphy's hotel room after/Mikey's house the next day
Mikey's house twice to play table tennis. The discussion was a bonus perk, table tennis was the main reason@!!
School to hand in HouseParty notes and raffles (which I forgot to bring so now I still have them)
Alan's house a few times to practice for HP
Gene's Bday (8-player haloREACH)
HouseParty2010 (which was actually my first HP but w/e it was cool)
And working at my parents' shop most of the time.
Been to UNSW, UWS interviews, UNCLE tomorrow.
Started piano again. Have yet to start guitar lessons.
Starting tutoring after my UNCLE interview.
HouseParty2010. I think Lily&Elaine are pretty pro lol. Pro impro skills.
It was a really spiritually refreshing experience. I can't say it has been that fun, but it was fun enough- around the same as a biv? But the main thing is, it was very inspiring and renewing. I feel really bad about actually having lost my bible and not being able to bring it. I actually haven't read it yet, I've only read a cartoony children's bible when I just became Christian like, 6 years ago =S. But yes. I will start reading it. Actually I shall get myself a NIV bible with like a commentary or something! Music was insane. 13 songs! (they were all very cool.) I wasn't able to make it to some of the practices at Alan's due to interviews or just transport, so I basically either learned the songs during the camp in the little free time we got or made up chords =S. But the fact that some of us arrived early to practice really helped.
The best thing about it was I think the seminars. In particular, the Predestination seminar was intriguing. And I know this is said like at least 5 times at any ISCF function, but it was very good to see Child and Simon there, being non-Christians. K.thxhouseparty!
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
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